Human Phosphatidylinositol Antibody IgG/IgM (PIAb-IgG/IgM) ELISA Kit

MBS3801016-10x96StripWells 10x96-Strip-Wells
EUR 6725

Human IgG antibody Laboratories manufactures the microplasma antibody igm reagents distributed by Genprice. The Microplasma Antibody Igm reagent is RUO (Research Use Only) to test human serum or cell culture lab samples. To purchase these products, for the MSDS, Data Sheet, protocol, storage conditions/temperature or for the concentration, please contact igm antibody. Other Microplasma products are available in stock. Specificity: Microplasma Category: Antibody Group: Igm

Human phosphatidylinositol antibody IgG/IgM(PI Ab-IgG/IgM)ELISA Kit

96 Tests
EUR 388

Human phosphatidylinositol antibody IgG;IgM,PI Ab-IgG;IgM ELISA KIT

96 wells
EUR 366.4
Description: Human

Human phosphatidylinositol antibody IgG;IgM,PI Ab-IgG;IgM ELISA KIT

96 wells
EUR 458

Human phosphatidylinositol antibody IgG/IgM(PI Ab-IgG/IgM) ELISA Kit

EUR 430

Human phosphatidylinositol antibody IgG; IgM, PI Ab-IgG; IgM ELISA Kit

EUR 3460

Human phosphatidylinositol antibody IgG; IgM, PI Ab-IgG; IgM ELISA Kit

EUR 1750

Human phosphatidylinositol antibody IgG; IgM, PI Ab-IgG; IgM ELISA Kit

EUR 425

Igm information

RCV/SDA ELISA Microplate

MBS412127-5x48AntigenWells5x48ControlAntigenWells 5x48AntigenWells&5x48ControlAntigenWells
EUR 1080

EDIM ELISA Microplate

MBS412144-48AntigenWells48ControlAntigenWells 48AntigenWells&48ControlAntigenWells
EUR 275

EDIM ELISA Microplate

MBS412144-5x48AntigenWells5x48ControlAntigenWells 5x48AntigenWells&5x48ControlAntigenWells
EUR 1080

CARB ELISA Microplate

MBS412147-48AntigenWells48ControlAntigenWells 48AntigenWells&48ControlAntigenWells
EUR 275

CARB ELISA Microplate

MBS412147-5x48AntigenWells5x48ControlAntigenWells 5x48AntigenWells&5x48ControlAntigenWells
EUR 1080

ATP Microplate Assay Kit

MBS8309599-100Assays 100Assays
EUR 440

ATP Microplate Assay Kit

MBS8309599-5x100Assays 5x100Assays
EUR 1920

ATP Microplate Assay Kit

RDSM119 100 Assays
EUR 385
Description: Detection and Quantification of ATP Content.

Iron Microplate Assay Kit

DLSM0106 100 Assays
EUR 315
Description: Detection and Quantification of Ferrium Content.

Zinc Microplate Assay Kit

DLSM0110 100 Assays
EUR 525
Description: Detection and Quantification of Zinc Content.

Urea Microplate Assay Kit

DLSM0147 100 Assays
EUR 175
Description: Detection and Quantification of Urea Content.

Heme Microplate Assay Kit

DLSM0151 100 Assays
EUR 210
Description: Detection and Quantification of Heme Content.

Urea Microplate Assay Kit

ASK1160 100 Assays
EUR 198
Description: Detection and Quantification of Urea Content.

Heme Microplate Assay Kit

ASK1164 100 Assays
EUR 228
Description: Detection and Quantification of Heme Content.

Horn microplate only - EACH

EUR 5622.57

K Virus ELISA Microplate

MBS412134-48AntigenWells48ControlAntigenWells 48AntigenWells&48ControlAntigenWells
EUR 340

K Virus ELISA Microplate

MBS412134-5x48AntigenWells5x48ControlAntigenWells 5x48AntigenWells&5x48ControlAntigenWells
EUR 1385